Tata Domingo's Community Project
Help us reach our goal to support an incredible community - The Mayan Kekchi people of Chiox, Guatemala, keepers of ancient wisdom.
Tata Domingo's Community Project
Invitation to Be Part of Our Efforts…
As part of Dream Change’s commitment to learn and share indigenous wisdom and teachings to change the destructive dream of the modern world and to reverse climate change, we bring people from the modern world to Indigenous cultures in Latin American. In order to facilitate this process, we are supporting Mayan teachers and their communities in Guatemala and Kogi teachers and their communities in Colombia.
One of our projects is to raise $20,000 to build 20 homes and teaching facilities for a community of Mayan Kekchi people of Chiox, Guatemala. Led by Mayan Shaman, Tata Domingo, this community is one of many indigenous groups who were removed from their ancestral lands.
In January 2020 our group of travelers, led by author and Dream Change founder, John Perkins alongside ecotourism pioneer Daniel Koupermann, ventured into the Jungle of Tikal to learn and practice ancient Mayan rituals with Tata Domingo and his student, Tata Julio. Because of John and Daniel’s work, more and more people are becoming educated about these cultures and are joining together to keep their wisdom alive by protecting and supporting the communities and then, through Dream Change to take these teachings into the world.
This fundraiser is a continuation of a previous effort to support Tatas Domingo’s community. Perry Robinson M.D and Sandy Mckenzie alongside Gale West and Mark Hurwich generously, in private, donated money to help this community purchase agricultural lands that are necessary for survival and also for their teachings on sustainability. It is on this land that the facilities will be built, providing a strong foundation for the community to practice and teach sustainable agriculture.
Why is this important?
In 1500’s, the Spanish conquistadors arrived and without mercy, eliminated many leaders and intellectuals of the Mayan culture. Only a few survived, persisting and continuing to transmit their ancient knowledge, spiritual practices and traditions. There has been 500 years of resistance, such as the 36 years of internal war in Guatemala. This situation and others forced the indigenous Mayans to live in very remote areas. Even today in Guatemala with its large colonial cities and sugar plantations, many Mayan indigenous groups live in extreme poverty without assistance from their government.
Our group understood the privilege of being with these Shamans and felt the profound impact their priceless wisdom had on each and every one of us. In spite of all they have been through, the generosity of heart and willingness to share their knowledge and culture was astounding.
The Shamans and their communities are the keepers of great wisdom and it is our privilege to raise funds for their needs: providing basic shelter, a fundamental human right.
Together, we have an opportunity to help make things right before their ancient wisdom is lost forever.
Thank you thank you thank you!